NEMCA Endorses Dave Olson for Shoreview City Council

Northeast Metro Climate Action is pleased to endorse Dave Olson for Shoreview City Council. Dave believes that as climate change worsens, our response must be proactive. At the local level, there is an opportunity to be a leader in renewable energy alternatives. As Shoreview develops and redevelops land, there is a need to do so in a way that protects the environment — both for ourselves and for future generations. Dave will advocate for strong environmental practices such as home solar programs and green incentives. Shoreview should begin to intentionally look at ways of transforming our energy, water and transportation systems. He believes it is important that we limit the use of toxic chemicals on yards and parks, improve storm water runoff, and introduce a municipal curbside composting program. Dave would work with environmental experts and the community to tackle these issues and create a city climate action plan with an eventual goal of a 100% renewable energy and a zero-waste city. If you would like to donate, volunteer, or just learn more about Dave Olson’s campaign, go to

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