Author Archives: Louise Jankowski

NEMCA Recommended Resources

Scientific Discoveries lead to Unraveling the Climate Crisis today

AACA’s event was last week but we highly recommend this film. The history of scientific discoveries that led scientists to their overwhelming agreement today about the cause and acceleration of climate change are described for the average person. You can stream it on PBS by clicking on this link .

Another resource to to check out from this link:Science Friday

Delve Deeper, Be the Change We Need

Want to learn more about how humans do contribute to climate change and what each of us can do to help slow down its trajectory? Then Drawdown is the book for you, your friends and neighbors. Start a discussion by displaying it on your coffee table!

“In the face of widespread fear and apathy, an international coalition of researchers, professionals, and scientists have come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change. One hundred techniques and practices are described here—some are well known; some you may have never heard of…” New York Times review