NEMCA Endorses Justin Stofferahn for MN Senate Dist. 38

NEMCA Endorses Justin Stofferahn for State Senate, District 38. Northeast Metro Climate Action is pleased to endorse Justin Stofferahn for State Senate, District 38. Justin is committed to taking action on climate change. As a Research Analyst for the BlueGreen Alliance, Justin works to develop federal procurement policies that prioritize decarbonization of buildings and infrastructure while creating good jobs in the U.S. He serves on the board of Giving Gardens, which is a local nonprofit that seeks to reduce food insecurity in our community, while also providing an outlet for individuals to help create a more sustainable food system.

In the state Senate, Justin looks forward to joining Governor Walz and the House in pushing for Clean Energy First and raising our Renewable Energy Standard. He is also committed to making sure our economic development programs prioritize investments in innovation that will allow us to harness the potential of the green economy to combat climate change and create jobs and new businesses.

If you would like to donate, volunteer, or just learn more about Justin Stofferahn’s campaign, go to

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