Click the link above to go to the presentation that is on Facebook.
Click the link above to go to the presentation that is on Facebook.
Northeast Metro Climate Action is pleased to endorse Dave Olson for Shoreview City Council. Dave believes that as climate change worsens, our response must be proactive. At the local level, there is an opportunity to be a leader in renewable energy alternatives. As Shoreview develops and redevelops land, there is a need to do so in a way that protects the environment — both for ourselves and for future generations. Dave will advocate for strong environmental practices such as home solar programs and green incentives. Shoreview should begin to intentionally look at ways of transforming our energy, water and transportation systems. He believes it is important that we limit the use of toxic chemicals on yards and parks, improve storm water runoff, and introduce a municipal curbside composting program. Dave would work with environmental experts and the community to tackle these issues and create a city climate action plan with an eventual goal of a 100% renewable energy and a zero-waste city. If you would like to donate, volunteer, or just learn more about Dave Olson’s campaign, go to
Northeast Metro Climate Action is pleased to endorse Steve Rogers for Vadnais Heights City Council. Steve grew up understanding that Earth’s resources are finite and at risk, and that risk continues to grow. As a candidate for Vadnais Heights City Council, Steve’s sustainability goal is for the city to be recognized as a GreenStep City. Any global change must start locally, and this is a way for the City of Vadnais Heights to get behind a worthy community activity. He believes that humanity is affecting the climate and he will continue to do what he can to personally – and as an elected official – slow down and reverse the environmental harm we are all experiencing. If you would like to donate, volunteer, or just learn more about Steve Roger’s campaign, go to
Northeast Metro Climate Action is pleased to endorse Jamie Becker-Finn for for reelection to State Representative, District 42B. Jamie serves as the Vice Chair of the Environment & Natural Resource Policy Committee and has been a champion for environmental protection since first taking office in 2017. She firmly believes that we must accept the realities of climate change and move forward towards a more sustainable future – promoting transitions to renewable energy at every level, furthering carbon sequestration via forest and prairie preservation, investing in infrastructure that moves the needle on climate change, and bringing more renewable energy jobs to Minnesota. If you would like to donate, volunteer, or just learn more about Jamie Becker-Finn’s campaign, go to
Northeast Metro Climate Action is pleased to endorse Chuck Wiger for reelection to State Senate, District 43. His special legislative concerns include education, economic development, health care, and the environment. Chuck is endorsed by the DFL, AFL-CIO, Conservation Mn, Ed MN, AFSCME, MAPE, OutFront, and more. He is a member of the DFL Climate Change Caucus, was the chief Senate author of the PCA’s bill to ban TCE, chief Senate author of Race to Reduce water conservation and sustainability program, and much more. Chuck is one of the most senior senators and is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Education Committee. His previous experience in government includes positions on the Metropolitan Council, Ramsey County SWCD, several local government commissions, and founder of the District 622 School Board.
If you would like to learn more about Chuck Wiger, go to or on Twitter @ChuckWiger
Northeast Metro Climate Action affirms that racial justice is central to climate justice. The systems that led us to the climate crisis are the same racist systems that protect the lives and wealth of privileged white people at the expense of BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color). Waste and pollution, pipeline construction, mining practices, and overconsumption by the world’s affluent are the result of systemic oppression and are inflicting harsh and often irreversible damage on all communities, but especially in communities where BIPOC live. BIPOC carry the major burdens of environmental change and must be involved in the planning and decision-making processes. Environmental justice will only be reached when all people are afforded the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards, have equal access to decision-making processes, and have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work. We at Northeast Metro Climate Action pledge to partner with black, indigenous, and people of color. We will educate ourselves and others about their concerns, as we seek to broaden awareness of the reality and implications of the changing climate to our neighbors, community, and elected officials. We strive to preserve a livable Earth for all people.