Racial and Environmental Justice Statement

Northeast Metro Climate Action affirms that racial justice is central to climate justice. The systems that led us to the climate crisis are the same racist systems that protect the lives and wealth of privileged white people at the expense of BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color). Waste and pollution, pipeline construction, mining practices, and overconsumption by the world’s affluent are the result of systemic oppression and are inflicting harsh and often irreversible damage on all communities, but especially in communities where BIPOC live. BIPOC carry the major burdens of environmental change and must be involved in the planning and decision-making processes. Environmental justice will only be reached when all people are afforded the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards, have equal access to decision-making processes, and have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work. We at Northeast Metro Climate Action pledge to partner with black, indigenous, and people of color. We will educate ourselves and others about their concerns, as we seek to broaden awareness of the reality and implications of the changing climate to our neighbors, community, and elected officials. We strive to preserve a livable Earth for all people.

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